What changes on 1 July 2024?

The Brussels Region has decided to introduce an exemption from the kilometre charge for zero-emission lorries from 1 July 2024. In Flanders, this exemption for zero-emission lorries has been in force since 1 January of this year. The OBU will remain compulsory for these ZEVs. However, zero-emission lorries in Wallonia will have to pay a kilometre charge and will be classified in the Euro VI emission category.

Tolled network
There will be no tariff changes of the tolled network in Flanders and Brussels. In Wallonia, zero tariff will apply on part of the N246 in Tubize.

On the same date, the indexing of the Flemish and Brussels toll tariffs will take place. The governments of Flanders and Brussels decided to index their tariffs for all the vehicles on which the kilometre charge applies.

The table with the new rates can be found on the Viapass website.

The tariffs for the kilometre charge will remain unchanged in Wallonia, as they were already indexed on 1 January of this year.

After 30 June, if your OBU is not yet up-to-date, the update will be automatically downloaded when you switch on your OBU.

Depending on your OBU software version, the behaviour of your OBU might slightly differ:

  • In most cases, the OBU will just take a few seconds to be updated with the latest tariffs before the green light appears;
  • For some OBUs, it might take up 3 minutes before the OBU shows the green light;
  • And some will even need to reboot automatically to complete the update process.

Altogether, it should not take more than 5 minutes for you to be ready to drive! 
And to avoid waiting, keep all your OBUs switched on as much as possible before 1 July, even when you are not driving in Belgium!

Note: In case of OBU inactivity longer than 6 months, several successive updates will have to be carried out, lengthening the time required for your OBU to become operational.